Vol 877 Issue 15 15-1122

Solomani Consul Hosts Farewell Fete

A farewell ball held at the Solomani Embassy last night by departing Consul Christopher Blaelock was well attended by local Regina notables.

Consul Blaelok and his consular staff will be departing today as the result of a formal expulsion order signed by Regent Corina Ling-Raleigh.

Although the expulsion order cites reasons of "planetary security" for expulsion, it apparently doesn’t reflect any personal animosity - because the Regent was one of the people attending the ball.

The Terran champagne flowed freely after Blaelok’s toast of "I signed for this, and I’m not shipping it back to the Rim, so you all better drink up."

It is unknown what Consul Blaelok’s next posting will be, or who will be assigned to Regina and when they will arrive. But this reporter will miss that Solomani style.